Interior Maintenance
- Check for drafts. Feel around edges of windows and doors. A good tip is to use a lighted candle and if the flame flickers, there’s probably a draft. If necessary, replace seals and repair caulking around window and door frames. Consider buying heavier or insulated drapery for especially drafty windows.
- Have furnace inspected. Hire an HVAC professional to test for leaks, check heating efficiency, and change the filter. Stock up on extra air filters and change them every few months.
- Winterize air conditioning. If you have central air conditioning, cover outdoor unit for winter. If you use window air, remove them till next year.
- Programmable thermostat. If you don’t have one, consider purchasing one. Check temperature settings and program to automatically lower at night and when you are not home. This can result in substantial savings.
- Test batteries. Change batteries in all smoke detectors and carbon monoxide devices.
- Clean humidifiers. Replace old filters and clean inside compartment.